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Trenntwende Unsere Stadt. Unser Müll. Die Idee!

Trenntwende | 21.02.13

Geschichten aus der Tonne: Nachwuchsjournalisten gesucht!

Unter dem Motto „Müll uns zu! Blogge, podcaste, filme, zeichne oder rappe für www.TrenntJugend.de!“ sucht das neue Onlinemagazin Jugendlichen aus Berlin, die ihren kreativen Ideen zum Thema Müll freien Lauf lassen wollen.

Los geht es mit einem Redakationsworkshop, auf dem das Onlinemagazin von den Jugendlichen gemeinsam entwickelt wird. Die Jugendlichen können anschließend Filme drehen, Comicstrips entwerfen, Fotos schießen, Musiksongs schreiben, oder Radiofeatures aufnehmen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen immer die Themen Abfalltrennung, Müllvermeidung und Recycling. Alle entstandenen Beiträge werden unter www.TrenntJugend.de veröffentlicht.

Alle Informationen zu den Workshops, zur Anmeldung und zum Magazin finden Sie auf www.trenntjugend.de

Autor/in: Boris Demrovski

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Gabi schrieb am 22.03.2013

Thank you for dropping by my blog! I love the picretus on your blog they are awesome! says:Thank you for following my blog, and i will do the same for you. says:You've left me floating on air, too! :)Best wishes on your blog and your collaboration; I look forward to seeing your work grow together. I did want to thank you for follow me northward and say it is very much appreciated. See you again soon! says:Thank you for following my blog the bonus is that I've now found yours thank you once again for your interest!Susie says:What a treasure trove of beautiful and thought-provoking images! says:Thank you for following my blog. Your picretus are really good! says:Thanks for the follow over on my blog; I look forward to delving in to yours. And, it's so nice to meet you! says:cheers for following artbibel! i do like your work too!Imke Rust says:Thank you for following my blog and this way guiding me to yours! I love your selection of great stuff and will definitely spend some time checking out more of what you do!21f0 says:Great name for a blog thank you for stopping by and following. says:Hi! Thanks for stoppingby my blog. I've been exploring yours and must say I'm very impressed I love your photos, and the clever way they tie into post titles! keep up the good work! says:fascinating blog. Thanks for your follow of me I have reciprocated :-) says:What a beautiful blog! says:So glad I found your blog. I love this. I look forward to keeping up with your posts. Love the name and the story behind it. :D says:Thanks for stopping by. Love the simplicity of the words. says:Thank you for following :) says:So glad you found each other! Love your pics!Thanks for stopping by my post today! says:Thank you for following my blog today! I have browsed thru your blog and find it VERY unique. 16a0Keep up the great work! says:Ha ha I am new to WordPress and was soooo surprised to see a follower! (didn't know you could do that!) But I Love your Pics. I've always been a sucker good art. I will look forward to new picretus from you. :) xx says:may you find your passion and embrace it, and find fufillment in the sharing.bwcindiaugustine says:Interesting collection of things! I look forward to seeing more. Thanks for visiting my blog. says:Thanks so much for going Round the bend and liking my photos from the gardens at the Bellagio in Vegas. I love how you found your blog name! I look forward to exploring more. says:Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my recent post. The photos you have here are stunning and amazing!! This is one of the best if not the best photography blog on the web. I am impressed and look forward to seeing more. Excellent Work!!4f30 says:Thank you for liking my paintings. You have a very beautiful blog! says:Some fascinating stuff here congrats. Thanks for visiting my blog too. says:Thank you for my like! As a new blogger and amateur photographer, I appreciated it! says:Hi,Thanks for liking my blog entry We interrupt this blog on my arnnarn.com site. I hope you come back often. I look forward to reading more of yours as well.Bruce

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